See What God Can Do Through You!

ROFCC provide everyone with an inspiring, invigorating, and informative study of the Word of God. We are a Gospel and God centered ministry that focus on the spiritual health of everyone. Your presence within each worship service adds to the anointing of the Holy Spirit. At ROFCC we walk by faith and not by sight and the Holy Spirit is our guide.
We believe in the power of prayer and the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Our growth is manifested through the works of the body of Christ that compose ROFCC membership. Our hearts welcome you to join us as we give God praise through worship, teaching, and preaching of the unchanging infallible Word of God.

We understand that the pandemic has brought about a new normal in many of our lives. For those who feel safe at home you are granted participation through our online service and Bible studies. This provides the experience of being part of the IN-person congregation at ROFCC. 

The services are held live each Sunday morning at 11 a.m. and Bible studies are via Facebook on Monday at 8 p.m. with Ruthie Duff and Thursday at 7:30 p.m. with Reginald Duff.

This allows for individuals to take part in all ministry activities and special events without having to leave the safety of their homes. It is a unique opportunity to serve God as a servant leader without stress or pressure from nonbiblical traditions.